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Sports nutrition products with Non-GMO ingredients for natural muscle fuel and recovery.  

Honey Stinger

It’s not just what you eat, but when you eat it. Long before ‘sports nutrition’ was a household phrase, Ralph and Luella Gamber realized the importance of athletes fueling their bodies before competing and founded En-R-G Foods, Inc. (EN standing for energy, R for Ralph and G for Gamber) in 1954. They produced energy bars and packets of honey labeled with the words “quick energy.” Though a collegiate wrestling coach used En-R-G products for his team members during matches, the rest of the market didn’t embrace the honey-based energy foods.

Fast forward to 2002, when a new generation of Gambers re-established the company as Honey Stinger. Wholesome snacks designed for sports nutrition had finally caught on with health-conscious consumers. Today the Colorado-based company fuels the country’s top runners, cyclists and teams—even elite branches of the military—but everyday athletes also benefit from eating Honey Stinger’s organic waffles, energy gels, protein bars and other products that are both delicious and nutritious.

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Mini WafflesMini Waffles
Honey Stinger
Mini Waffles Sale price$8.49